Kaijin Wikia

The Kaijin of the Blood Wheel Ninja Clan from the 1972 period drama tokusatsu, Henshin Ninja Arashi. There are two groups of Kaijin that work for two different organizations. The first half of the Kaijin are called Incarnation Ninjas(化身忍者Keshin ninja), who serve under the Blood Wheel Clan(血車党Chigurumatō) and the second half are Western Yokai who serve under the Western Yokai Corps(西洋妖怪軍団Seiyō yōkai gundan).

Blood Wheel Clan[]

The Incarnation Ninjas were once ordinary ninjas of the Blood Wheel Clan until they are created into monsters by using a mysterious technique created by Kiju of the Valley. Each Incarnation Ninja is given the ability and look of a specific animal or insect.

Western Yokai Corps[]

The Western Yokai are monsters brought over from the West who have the ability to surpass the Incarnation Ninjas.


  • Motif: Animals(First half) & legendary creatures(second half).